
How it works

Schedule, confirm or change an appointment by using these easy-to-use options:
- Use your computer with our online portal
- Book and manage trips on the Castillo App
- Talk to a customer service member

Help us understand your needs.
We will ask questions to better understand where you need to go and what your needs are.
Want to request services in another language? We have customer service reps available to speak to you in the language you are most comfortable.
Do you have durable medical equipment? Let us know!

We'll select the most appropriate ride option and schedule your trip.
We will provide a trip number to you either by email or phone, depending on the way you reached out to us - by portal or phone.
We'll even help manage your ride in case something happens.

If you're ready, you can book a ride now.
If you are new to the process, please call us to get started.